JIER Cylindrical Fenders Installation

Cylindrical Fenders have protected ships for more years than any other fender type. They are simple and versatile as well as being easy to install. Their progressive reaction makes them ideal for berths serving large and small vessels. There are three typical fixing arrangements of Cylindrical Fenders Installation: Small cylindricals (≤Ø600mm) are often suspended from.. read more →

Port of Split with JCO1000H Cone Fenders

Passenger Wharves of the Split Port Extended with JCO1000H Cone Fenders The Port of Split is the largest passenger port in Croatia. As of 2011, the Port of Split facilities are intended to be modernized to specialize in domestic and international passenger traffic. The passenger terminal is planned to be expanded within the framework of.. read more →

Last month, JIER JCO 500H Cone Fenders have been passed the 3000 Times Durability Test under the inspection of Third Party – Bureau Veritas. JIER FENDER was carried out durability test in accordance to PIANC 2002 “Guidelines for the Design of Fender Systems”, Appendix A, section 7.2. The test consisted of 3000 deflections and its rated.. read more →

Foam Filled Fenders have most advantages of heavy duty and free maintenance. It is advanced for the “soft bounce” and becoming the best choice as bumpers for platform and docks. They can also be equipped for salvage tugs and oil platforms especially in heavy and fierce environments.   The closed cell aspect of the energy absorbing.. read more →

JIER Arch Fenders Protecting in Malaysia JIER Arch Fenders are very strong and hard wearing and also have excellent shear performance. The following pictures display the installation of our arch fenders which have been installed in Malaysia. Our Arch Fenders come in two types. One is a single-piece rubber unit, and the other one is.. read more →

JIER Cone Fenders Installed in Split Port, Croatia In late April, JIER JCO600H Super Cone Fenders were delivered to Croatia. ♦ JIER Delivers Super Cone Marine Fenders to the World Now they have been completely and successfully installed in Split Port. Click below to learn more about JIER Super Cone Fenders: [top] read more →

06 Jun 2016
June 6, 2016

Fendering System Order from USA

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Fendering System Order from USA The Fendering System includes Arch Type Fenders, D Type Fenders, W Type Fenders and T Head Bollards. [top] We maintain a tiniest possibility of choice as the last years. Our team if I have any second thoughts into smart high quality academic writing services we say “Write my personal information.. read more →

24 May 2016
May 24, 2016

List of Ports we JIER Served

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List of Ports we JIER Served We Deliver All Over The World JIER Rubber Fenders are wildly delivered to and installed on piers, quays, wharfs, ports of many countries all over the world, such like Italy, Greece, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Netherland, UK, and Switzerland etc. Partial Ports that we JIER served are listed below: China:.. read more →

JPF 3000×4500 Pneumatic Fenders, Sydney Port, Australia We JIER have recently supplied 3 units of JPF Pneumatic Rubber Fenders Diameter 3000 mm x Length 4500 mm to the Project at Sydney Port in Australia. JIER Pneumatic Rubber fenders comply with all the requirements of ISO 17357:2002, ensuring high performance and high quality floating pneumatic fenders.. read more →

13 May 2016
May 13, 2016

JCO1000H Cone Fender Testing

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JCO1000H Cone Fender Testing Last month in JIER Rubber Fender Factory, we successfully completed and passed the testing of 40 units JCO1000H Cone Fenders, ordered by one of our valued customers from Cyprus, under the third party witnessing from BV, using full size fenders in accordance with the PIANC 2002 guidelines. One representative of customer.. read more →